Friday, April 15, 2011

Photo of the Week: A Bunch of Random Books

Part of the Washer Lounge library
The latest Photo of the Week is far more significant than the title to this blog post might suggest. For starters, U of L Law isn't known for a lot of frills. We don't have vaulted ceilings and chandeliers in our library like this school, or a program that lets you borrow a dog for 30 minutes from the library if you're feeling stressed out at this school. Come to think of it, maybe our lack of fancy perks is part of the reason we're the Number 3 best value law school in the nation? Either way, we do have a nice atmosphere, and I think U of L does a terrific job of helping students combat the stress of law school, which brings me to the photo of the books, at right. They're part of an informal recreational library in the Washer Lounge that, sadly, I have only discovered after being here for almost two years. If you want to take home a novel or a mystery or whatever, it's on the honor system. Just fill out the card in the back of the book and put the card in a box on the shelf. From a quick glance at the box, it appears that some students have been reading the same title for two years or longer. Ahem.
Prospective law students might think that they'll never have time to do personal reading during the semester. I've found, however, that reading a novel on the side, even for 15 minutes before I fall asleep, is a great way to stay grounded and remember that law school isn't the most important thing in the universe. Other entries on my list of Things That Remind Me Law School Isn't the Most Important Thing in the Universe: my lovely wife, my awesome kids, cold beer, home improvement projects, and long-distance running (but not necessarily in that order, and definitely not all at the same time; that would be dangerous).
I recently finished reading Water for Elephants, by Sara Gruen. It was a fantastic read, and it helped me get over the absolutely crushing defeat of having my law review note rejected for publication. OK, maybe not a crushing defeat, although I was bummed out. But how can you be upset about a tiny detail like that when you're reading about a frail 93-year-old man in a nursing home recalling his life on a circus train in the 1930s? The point is, you've got to stay grounded. You've got to have a life, which is one of the reasons that I think having a family in law school is a big advantage. If you aren't married, or don't have kids, or even if you do, the Washer library is worth checking out. It might even be a good fit with that cold beer.


  1. One more perk of law school, which surfaced today via email: got selected in lottery for season tickets to next year's home games, football and basketball combined, for a mere $420, or roughly one third the normally insane cost to see the Cardinals in action all year. Small price to pay in the nation's best college sports town.
